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What do I expect on my first visit?

The first visit normally lasts around 60 minutes. You will be asked to complete paperwork prior to your appointment. Information on your medical history, activity levels, life stressors etc., helps to build a picture of your health and possible influences on your current problem. This also ensures that there are no contraindications to treatment. We will then discuss your present condition/pain in depth.

During the treatment session we will conduct an examination to assess the area of pain and use relevant orthopaedic tests and movements to establish the cause of the problem. Once we have come up with a diagnosis of your pain/condition, we will then discuss our findings and how we think you can best be helped.

If you are taking any medication please bring the details to the consultation

What Do I Wear?
We usually suggest patients wear light clothing such as shorts during sports massages.

During osteopathic sessions shorts, thin jogging pants or leggings are advised.

Due to COVID we aren’t providing towels, patients are welcome to bring their own.

For more information on our COVID procedures please click here?

How many treatments will I need?
This entirely depends on the type of condition you have. When you come in for an assessment, we can advise you on the number of sessions required based on the diagnosis made.
As a general rule, the more acute the condition the less time it takes to resolve. A more long standing problem could take longer to resolve and may need more long term measures in order to maintain changes made in treatment.

What do I expect on my first visit?

The first visit normally lasts around 60 minutes. You will be asked to complete paperwork prior to your appointment. Information on your medical history, activity levels, life stressors etc., helps to build a picture of your health and possible influences on your current problem. This also ensures that there are no contraindications to treatment. We will then discuss your present condition/pain in depth.

During the treatment session we will conduct an examination to assess the area of pain and use relevant orthopaedic tests and movements to establish the cause of the problem. Once we have come up with a diagnosis of your pain/condition, we will then discuss our findings and how we think you can best be helped.

If you are taking any medication please bring the details to the consultation

What's the difference between Osteopathy, Chiropractic & Physiotherapy?

Osteopaths use manipulation to mobilize any joints which do not move normally – either in the spine or peripheral joints and also gentle treatment such as functional and muscle energy techniques.

They also diagnose and treat muscle and fascial tension. Chiropractors main aim is to make regular and repeated ‘adjustments’ to spinal joints to treat subluxations which they often diagnose by X-Rays. They tend to do less soft tissue treatment than osteopaths.

Physiotherapists tend to concentrate more so on soft tissue work and emphasise more so on rehabilitation exercises.

These basic differences are not as defined as in the past. Within each profession, individuals vary in the way they practice.

Can I have treatment even though I am pregnant?

Pregnant ladies benefit greatly from osteopathic treatment. Joint strains can occur during pregnancy as at other times.

Additional strains can occur due to a heavy abdominal wall being balanced by arching the small of the back – causing tenderness in the low back. Movements at either sacro-iliac joint are frequent in pregnancy due to the usually strong ligaments across the joint relaxing in the last few weeks of pregnancy – leading to a subluxation (minor form of dislocation) of the sacro-iliac joint.

Often 1-2 treatments will put the joint back. More rest and care with posture thereafter may prevent recurrences.

What happens during a Medical Acupuncture Appointment?

Needling or pulsing of a myofascial trigger point will elicit a local twitch response, which is a muscle contraction. The local twitch response indicates the proper placement of the needle in a trigger point. Needling improves treatment outcomes, and may work by activating endogenous opioids, increase local blood flow allowing for the removal of metabolic waste and reducing muscular hypertonicity.

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