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What is it?

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.

Bodyverse osteopathy prides itself in recognising and diagnosing the exact requirements to help remedy the strains and pains that are causing you a problem.

It involves a combination of gentle, deep muscle and joint manipulations, which are adapted to your individual and unique symptoms.

Bodyverse Sports massage therapy involves the use of soft tissue and deep tissue manipulation through massage strokes, rock blading, acupuncture and body manipulations. The service also includes a maintenance plan you can do in your own time.


The outcome of sports massage therapy includes; decreased muscle tension/tightness and recovery time, increased range of motion, increased blood flow and more!


Bodyverse sports massage therapy prides itself on our practitioners ability to adapt treatment towards your needs. Whether it is for injuries or body maintanance after a long day, this treatment can benefit you.

Sports Massage Therapy

What is it?


Initial Consultation and Treatment: £70 (up to 1 hour)

Further Treatment Sessions: £55 (40 minutes)

Initial Consultation and 60 Minute Sports Massage: £70

60 Minute Sports Massage: £60

Initial Consultation and 90 Minute Sports Massage: £95

90 Minute Sports Massage: £85

Medical Acupuncture      

What is it?

Medical Acupuncture, also known as dry needling, involves insertion of very fine stainless steel needles in the skin. It’s used to help muscles and joint problems.


Acupuncture stimulates the nerves in skin and muscle causing a release of stress-relieving chemicals (endorphins and serotonin). This modifies the way pain signals are received and helps reduce sensitivity of tender points in the body. As well as pain reduction, patients often notice an improved sense of well being after treatment. A typical acupuncture session lasts between 15-30 minutes.

Initial Consultation and Medical Acupuncture: £70

Follow up Medical Acupuncture Session: £55

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